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When the Time Comes - Blaming Good People for Being Bad

People like to get away with saying that people who misbehaved growing up are better than me and I'm no good anymore.  They have these irrational thoughts thinking most people are bad and there are bad people who could have won over me in life if they were good.  They say it's not their fault they were bad.  They, then, continue to say if I don't "come down" and give up all my social assets to them or important things that I'm bad.

  • They like to go on to say that what we did in life and who we are mean nothing and even in other ways that may or may not come to surface more in importance.

  • They like to act weird around me and make me seem bad or manage to be convincing that I'm simply and notably imperfect, eventually, so they can take my social assets from me.

  • They are dishonest and say things like my generation was in the way or just knock me out all at once and ruin my life due to racism.

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